Sunday, September 15, 2024
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Fisheries Department undertakes stocking of Trout Fish at Shopian
Adopt best management practices to increase quality Trout seed production: DDC Shopian
Shopian, December 16 (Scoop News)- In order to supplement the fish livestock in the natural water bodies of district Shopian, the District Development Commissioner (DDC) Shopian, Faz Lul Haseeb today led the trout fish stocking at Shopian.

The practice of releasing fish that were artificially raised in a hatchery at Trout Fish Farm Kokernag, into a natural body of water of Upper Rambaira Stream at Heerpora was done to supplement existing wild populations for both aquatic ecosystem benefits and for eco tourism activities.

Ten thousand (10000) Rainbow Trout Yearlings supplied from Trout Fish Farming Project Kokernag were stocked at different locations into the stream.

Assistant Director Fisheries, Zahoor Ahmad Mir, informed that for the past few years the stream has shown encouraging results with more and more anglers visiting the area for fishing.

Today's stocking will boost the tourism related activities in general and fisheries related activities in particular in the area, said DDC while adding that the practice shall be beneficial for eco-tourism and angling activities.

Dy DEO Shopian, Jahangeer Ahmad, AD Fisheries and other concerned officials were present on the occasion.

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