Sunday, September 15, 2024
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Sarmad Hafeez chairs public grievances redress camp
Viksit Bharat Sankalp event at Shopian
Shopian, January 24 (Scoop News)- Secretary, Youth Services and Sports Department, Sarmad Hafeez, today chaired a public grievances redressal camp besides participating in Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra event here at Shopian.

Deputy Commissioner, Shopian,Faz Lul Haseeb was also present on the occasion.

Delegations including District Development Council members, fruit growers, traders, prominent citizens and locals attended the event and projected development issues and demands concerning their respective areas.

These delegations raised various issues including improvement in sports infrastructure, urban development, extended transport services through RTC buses, adequate water and power supply, tourism promotion, road construction, improvement in pre and post harvest management strategies in horticulture, agriculture and allied sectors. Besides, other issues pertaining to health, school education, RDD, higher education and Sports Council were also flagged by locals.

The Secretary reviewed status of grievances flagged off during the previous camp and instructed the officers to ensure proper follow up on issues and demands of the public for timely resolution.

While addressing on the occasion, Sarmad Hafeez appreciated the people for projecting developmental and welfare issues besides providing valuable suggestions for further improving the development outcomes. He also appreciated the Sankalp Yatra events being conducted in the district with an overwhelming public participation. He said proactive public engagement is inevitable for providing seamless services to the populace. Calling for strengthening grievance redressal mechanisms, he said, accessibility and transparency in government business transactions is the hallmark of the government.

Secretary directed the concerned frontline departments to be prepared for meeting the weather vagaries and its adverse impacts in the district.

ADDC, Dr. Nasir Ahmad Lone besides other district officers participated in the public darbar.

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