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ADDC presides over grievances redressal camp at Kulgam
Kulgam, February 07 (Scoop News)-The District Administration Kulgam today organized Mega Block Diwas in three blocks of the district including Devsar, Kulgam and D. H. Pora to take appraisal of the public issues, grievances and demands.

On the occasion, Officers and officials from line departments listened to issues, grievances and demands of the public for timely redressal at all the three venues.

To take first hand appraisal of public grievances and demands, the Additional District Development Commissioner (ADDC) Kulgam, Showkat Ahmad Rather presided over an outreach programme at block Kulgam and listened to grievances and issues of people for redressal.

People from Nowpora Kharpora, Gasren, Behibagh, Hanjin, Ashthal, Chawalgam and other villages participated in this grievances redressal camp. They apprised the officers about their issues and grievances and also projected development demands and requirements of their areas including augmentation of LT Power Networks, Construction of Hanjin Behibagh road, Desilting of Irrigation canals, installation of transformer at Gasren and other demands.

Officers and officials present responded to the grievances of the people, and some of the grievances of immediate nature were redressed on the spot.

Speaking on the occasion, the ADDC urged people to make judicious use of electricity and also instructed KPDCL authorities to ensure power supply as per schedule in all areas of the district.

Earlier, a brief of action taken on grievances of previous block diwas was presented by ACD.
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