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Candle march held at Kupwara to express solidarity with families of Punjab residents killed in Srinagar
Kupwara, February 08 (Scoop News)-To express solidarity with the families of the two Punjab residents killed on Wednesday evening in Srinagar by militants, hundreds of people in North Kashmir district held a candle march today.

Amrit Pal Singh and Rohit Masih, who were killed in a militant attack in Srinagar on Wednesday evening, belonged to poor families in Punjab’s Amritsar and had come to Srinagar to support their families.

Around 6:00 pm, hundreds of people including the local residents, members of Civil Society Kupwara, Traders, and Transporters took out a candle march from Kupwara Bus stand which culminated at Fountain Chowk Rigipora after passing through Kupwara By-Pass.

The protesters denounced the attack and expressed solidarity with the families of the civilians killed.

Terming the killing an unfortunate and dark chapter in Kashmir, protestors said that such incidents create sadness and distress among people of Kashmir.

The protesters said that people want to live in peace & harmony. They said that such unfortunate incidents should not take place as every human life is precious.
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