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250 specially abled children sent for 7 day exposure visit to Agra, New Delhi

Jammu, February 09 (Scoop News)-The Jammu and Kashmir Rehabilitation Council today sent a group of 250 specially abled children for a seven day exposure visit to Agra and New Delhi under ambitious youth exchange program "Wattan Ko Jano".

Being flagged off by Executive Director, J&K Rehabilitation Council, the group will be escorted by a team of 25 officers and officials including special teachers.

Executive Director, while interacting with the participating children, expressed hope that this exposure visit will further broaden their mental horizons. "Also, this will add to their knowledge about the diverse cultural and social legacy of the nation", he maintained.

Pertinently, this youth exchange program had been conceived by J&K Rehabilitation Council to give much needed exposure to eligible and deserving of the UT to social and cultural diversity of India. The main motive behind the initiative is to ensure that the youth feel socially, culturally and emotionally integrated with the rest of the country. The project would also develop an instinct of belongingness and love for the country among the youth.

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