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Police facilitates Police Community Partnership Group (PCPG) meetings in Kulgam

Srinagar, February 23 (Scoop News)- Continuing unwavering efforts to bridge the gap between police & public, Police in Kulgam facilitated Police Community Partnership Group (PCPG) meetings at Police Station Kulgam, Police Station Yaripora, Police Station Kund, Police station DH Pora, Police Station Manzgam and Police Post Mirbazar.

These meetings were organised on the directions of SSP Kulgam Shri Sahil Sarangal-IPS and were chaired by the respective jurisdictional officers. These meetings were attended by the respectables including members of Auqaf Committees, Numberdars, Chowkidars, Traders Federation, Fruit Associations and Youth of the said areas.

During the interaction, participants raised various issues of public importance. Referring to the issues highlighted by the participants, chairing officers assured them that genuine issues will be taken up with the concerned authorities for their immediate redressal besides issues related to Police will be resolved in shortest possible time. The Participants were stressed to co-operate with Police in maintaining law and order in the area and in identification of anti-national elements who try to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere.

Addressing the gatherings, the officers said that police is making all efforts in wiping out the curse of drug menace. Officers also exhorted the participants to come forward and support the Police in making Kulgam a drug free district, for which participants in the meeting assured their full co-operation to Police and Administration in tackling social evils and also appreciated the efforts of Police in facilitating community interaction meets where participants express their opinions freely. Further, officers urged participants to keep strict watch on their wards so that they don’t indulge in criminal activities.

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