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YounTab Scheme: EC Zakir distributes free tablets among students in Shakar Chiktan

Kargil, February 29 (Scoop News)-Executive Councilor (Education), LAHDC, Kargil, Zakir Hussain today distributed free tablets under YounTab Scheme among students at Government Higher Secondary Chiktan for the students of Shakar Chiktan Sub Division.

Councillor Chiktan, Kacho Liaqat Ali Khan, Councillor Barsoo, Sheikh Ghulam Mohd Ansari and Councillor Yourbaltak, Manzoor Hussain were present during the distribution ceremony.

During the program, the EC emphasized the importance of utilizing the tablets for educational purposes and encouraged students to harness the power of technology for positive learning outcomes.

He said the distribution of tablets is a step towards fostering a conducive learning environment and ensuring equal opportunities for all students in the region.

Councillor Shargole, Jawed Ahmed; Councillor Saliskote, Sajjad Ahmed Khan and District Education & Planning Officer (DEPO), Mohammad Amin were also present.

The YounTab scheme is an initiative of the Department of School Education with technical support by the Information Technology Department.

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