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Members of School Committees imparted awareness, training under Samagra Shiksha program

Jammu, March 01 (Scoop News)- The members of different School Committees in Zone Marh were today imparted awareness cum training under the Samagra Shiksha program.

The members of School Management Committees (SMCs) School Management and Development Committees (SMDCs) village Education Committees (VECs) and PRI members were part of the training hosted at Government Middle School Dab Karamdin.

Community leaders were acquainted with the role of SMC/SMDC/VEC members in the development of government Schools. They were urged to come forward and revive the Education system for the future of children of their locality. They were also made aware about government schemes like MDM programme, Free textbooks, free uniform for classes 1st to 8th, scholarship schemes for SC/ST/OBC/ disabled students and National Means cum Merit Scholarship (NMMS) for 8th class only.

Community members are urged to promote the enrollment by encouraging the general public to send their children to Govt. Schools to get quality education by highly qualified teachers and to avail a string of facilities. Speakers from different school committees gave their valuable suggestions for the welfare of students and upliftment of the education system.

Others who spoke on the occasion were Deepali Sambyal Principal HSS Jhiri (Cluster Head) and SMC members of different schools MS/PS. Vote of thanks was presented by Zonal Education Officer Marh, Kasturi Lal Kaith.

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