Sunday, September 8, 2024
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DC Kargil chairs meeting regarding expenditure under CCDA, Untied LAHDC
Untied DC/CEO under Capex Budget 2023-24

Kargil,March 02 (Scoop News)- Deputy Commissioner/CEO, LAHDC, Kargil, Shrikant Suse today chaired a meeting in his office chamber regarding expenditure under CCDA, Untied LAHDC and Untied DC/CEO under Capex Budget 2023-24.

The Deputy Commissioner took review of RD&PRD, Soil Conservation Department, Command Area Development, Agriculture, Mechanical, CCF, Horticulture, Education, R&B, Electric Distribution Department, PDD, KDA, Health, Tourism, I&FC, DYSSO, Handloom, KREDA, ZDA, PMGSY etc. with regard to release of funds of Rs 45.00 crore and Rs 6.00 crore under CCDA and Untied respectively.

DC Kargil has issued strict directives to the concerned departments, emphasizing the need to achieve 100% expenditure and submit the bills to their respective treasuries by March 07.

He has also instructed to concerned Sectoral heads that the next expenditure review meeting shall be conveyed on March 08 adding that any lapses on this account shall be viewed seriously.

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