Sunday, September 8, 2024
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NABARD holds sensitization meet of Cooperative Bank

Anantnag,March 02 (Scoop News)-NABARD conducted a one-day sensitization workshop for Branch Managers of Anantnag Central Cooperative Bank (ACCB) at Head Office of the bank at Anantnag.

The workshop was aimed to sensitize the staff of ACCB regarding various credit linked schemes, KYC, Financial Inclusion and other schemes related to microfinance sector.

The workshop was inaugurated by DDM NABARD Rouf Zargar and attended by General Manager ACCB Intikhab Deen, Deputy General Managers and Branch Managers from various branches were present in the programme.

DDM NABARD through a power-point presentation, gave detailed overview about NABARDs role in formulation, supervision and monitoring of credit schemes in Agriculture and Allied sectors with special focus on KCC, JLGs and loans to emerging FPOs. He spoke at length about KYC AML Guidelines and scheme on Financial Inclusion. He gave out the detailed process of applying and getting bank credit support for undertaking various economic activities in agriculture and allied sectors.

The scheme of availing crop loans through Primary Agricultural Coop Societies (PACS) was discussed. Besides the various initiatives of Cooperative Ministry such as World’s Largest Grain Storage Programme, computerization of PACS and societies as Multipurpose Centers and Jan Aushadi Kendras. He urged the Branch Managers increase their reach out and create awareness among the farmers, fruit growers and youth to enable them to set up such units in the district. The banks were advised to follow the guidelines of the scheme and process the applications in a time-bound manner.

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