Sunday, September 8, 2024
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PCCF orders promotion of 27 Range Officers in the Forest Department

Srinagar, March 02 (Scoop News)-The Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) headed by the PCCF (HoFF) Jammu and Kashmir Forest Department has cleared Forest Officials under different categories for promotion to the next level.

The DPC has promoted 27 Foresters to the rank of Range Officer-II (Level- 6C). Similarly, 09 Multi Tasking Staff (Class-IV) have been promoted to the post of Junior Assistants and one Junior Stenographer as Senior Stenographer.

The promotion orders issued by the Forest Department is in consonance with the policy of the UT Government to provide timely opportunities of career progression to the government officials, so as to motivate them for better working and improved outcomes.

It is worth mentioning here that the department has promoted 41 Range Officers-II to the level of Range Officers-I (Gazetted Cadre) in the recent past. The promotions have been effected after a gap of more than three years at this level
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