Friday, March 14, 2025
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CAMPA Executive Committee finalizes Annual Plan of Operation for 2024-25 FY
Envisages to treat 9100 Ha degraded forest area

Jammu, March 02 (Scoop News)- J&K Forest Department has embarked upon an ambitious plan to scale up the afforestation of degraded forests in all 20 districts of J&K through Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA).

The CAMPA is a flagship plan under which afforestation of degraded forests is taken up by utilizing money received from different project proponents in view of diversion of forest land for these projects.

Primary focus of CAMPA is to create man made forests on degraded forest lands to compensate for the environmental loss caused by the diversion of forest land for developmental projects.

For 2024-25, the Executive Committee of J&K CAMPA finalized the Annual Plan of Operation fully prepared by different implementing agencies (DFOs).

The APO envisages to treat 9100 Ha. of degraded forest areas and other non-forest lands by taking up plantations of proposed indigenous tree species.

Apart from this, 75.39 lakh low cost interventions like patch sowing, dibbling shall also be part of rehabilitation interventions.

In the APOs of 2024-25, the main thrust would be on soil and water conservation measures by harvesting the rain water to increase the water regime of those areas where water availability is low.

Ponds, WHS check-dams and other such structures shall be created to harvest the rain water for wildlife protection.

A dedicated amount of Rs. 2923.58 lakh has been earmarked for next year’s plan which includes thrust on rejuvenating the wetlands and restoration of habitats in protected areas.

An amount of Rs. 978.00 lakh has been earmarked for development of nurseries to produce 109.37 lakh quality plants to be planted up in degraded forests, non-forest lands and to provide saplings to farmers and other stakeholders under TOF program.

The special thrust area under next year’s CAMPA plan would be to take up the demarcation plan for forest boundary lines so as to strengthen the boundary lines to secure the forest lands against encroachments and illegal possessions.

The J&K Forest Department has created a large number of man made forests under CAMPA plan in the last couple of years. As per 3rd party evaluation done during 2023, overall survival percentage of plantations has reached up to 65 % which is equivalent to any good plantations on national parameters.

Speaking on this occasion, PCCF & HoFF, Roshan Jaggi stressed upon all the implementing agencies to work in close coordination with common people, PRI representatives and other stakeholders for better outcomes of CAMPA works. He informed that regeneration of degraded forests, augmentation of fodder to local communities, improving the water regime through catchment area treatment plans, prevention of forest fires and removal of invasive woods would be the thrust areas for next year’s CAMPA plan. He also informed that generation of livelihood to local people would remain at the centre stage of CAMPA implementation strategy. The plan shall be approved by National Authority of CAMPA, Government of India and is expected to be implemented w.e.f. 01.04.2024.
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