Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Sikh Progressive Front organises “SARBAT DA BHALAA TOURNAMENT

Jammu,April 15 (Scoop News)-Sikh Progressive Front organises “SARBAT DA BHALAA TOURNAMENT dedicated to the 555th Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Devj Ji, at K.K Hakku Stadium Jahe mmu. The tournament shall be played on knock out basis from 15th to 21th of April 2024.
The inaugural match was played between SGPC Hockey Team and Round Glass Hockey Academy. The result of the match was not declared due to the bad weather as the SGPC Hockey team leads with the 2 goals and the Round Glass Hockey Academy till now scores only 1 goal , the rest of the match which will be for only 10 minutes will be played on tomorrow .
The match was officiated by Amit Sharma and Ashwani Kumar international Umpire and the Technical delegate Mr Mahesh Kumar monitored the match.
S. Rajinder Singh Tara Transport Commissioner was the chief Guest who declared the tournament open and S. Baljinder Singh DSO JK Sports Council was the Guest of Honour and while inaugurating the tournament our Chief Guest appreciated the organisor of the tournament for organised such a mega sports event in Jammu after a very long time. The team participating from out side the State will be an inspiration for the budding youths of the State especially young players.
While welcoming the Chief guest S. Manjit Singh Organising Secretary gave the brief account of the participating team teams from outside the State besides local teams who will be playing in the next six days.
S. Balvinder Singh President Sikh Progressive Front in his address said that different type of programmes are being organised through out the world to celeberated the 555th Birth Anniversary of Sri Nanak Dev Ji. Our organization decided to organised this mega event to spread the message of humanity and universal brotherhood and to promote Hockey in J&K. He also thanked Chief Guest of the match, Spectators, sponsors co-sponsors and specially thanked Sports Council of J&K and Hockey India for their whole hearted cooperation to make this event a big success.
The Whole Opening was went under the guidance of S.Balvinder Singh President ,S. Manjit Singh General Secretary, S. Rajinder Singh Soodan Joint Secretary , Janak Singh Member ,S. Iqbal Singh ,S. Paramjit Singh, Dr Harbinder Singh and other prominent persons who all are gathered there, Specially thanks to Mr. Ajay Gupta Manager KK Hakku Stadium ,Coaches and the whole team of JK Sports Council .
As per fixture tomorrows matches are as under , First match shall be played between Bathinda X1 and Vijay Club Baramulla at morning 9:00 am , second match shall be played between Y.B Hockey Club Sujjanpur and G.N.N Hockey Cub at 15:45 pm and the third match will be played between Power House Hockey Club Poonch and Sangar Sales Hockey Club Anantnag at 17:45 PM
Sub Prominent personalities who witness the match included S. Surjit Singh General Secretary DGPC Jammu, S. Tejinder Singh Member DGPC , S. Jaswinder Singh Kukku , S. Sharanjit Singh Shunty , S. M.S Reen etc. S. Satbir Singh (Indian Airforce Coach ) ,Dalvinder Singh , Jagjit Singh , Anjali Thakur JK Sports Council Coaches
+and Baljit Kour , Sonia Sharma assisted the Hockey India Official during the conduct of matches .

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