Friday, October 18, 2024
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Police arrests absconder evading his arrest from decades in Pulwama

Srinagar, April 16 (Scoop News)- Continuing its drive against wanted criminals, Police in Pulwama arrested an absconder who was evading his arrest from the last 34 years in Case FIR No. 179/1990 of Police Station Pulwama.

Warrant under section 512 CrPC issued by Hon'ble Court special Mobile Magistrate Pulwama was executed against accused person namely Mushtaq Ahmad Wagay son of Mohd Siddique Wagay resident of Banderpora A/P Khonmoh, who was evading his arrest from decades in Case FIR number 179/1990 under section 307, 325 RPC of Police Station Pulwama. The said accused person was arrested by a special police team of Police Station Kakapora and was produced before the Hon’ble Court of Law.

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