Sunday, September 8, 2024
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JJM and WS Adventure Course – 94 concluded

Srinagar, April 17 (Scoop News)- JIM & WS concluded Adventure Course - 94 commencing from 01 April to 15 April 2024. A total of 48 trainees from various parts of the country participated in the course.
The course covered a range of adventure activities including Rope Knots Hitches & Coiling of Rope, Preparation of Bases, Anchoring & Belaying, Bouldering & Types of Holds, Principles of Climbing & Rappelling, Artificial Climbing, Zip Line, Stream Crossing, Jumaring, Classical Rappelling, Obstacles & Tent Pitching, Trekking (Biasaran Via Kashmir Valley, Green Top Via Sarbal) and visit to Aru Valley by bus. Lectures (Mountain Terminology, Mountain Manners & Customs, Do's & Don'ts, First Aid & CPR), Competitions including Quiz, Extempore, Tent Pitching, Endurance, Climbing & Rappelling, Obstacles, Viva test and few Adventure Movies where also shown to the trainees during the Course.
1. Ms Suhani Rajora
2. Ms Neha Purne
3. Mr Benedict Nialla
4. Mr Thirupaghi
5. Mr Virat Choudhary
Best in Endurance
1. Ms Dharshini (In Girls)
2. Mr Nithin Kumar U (In Boys)
Mr Dinem was declared as best student and Mr Lhotse best in rope.

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