Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Police seizes 17 vehicles, arrests 17 persons in Kulgam

Srinagar, May 07 (Scoop News)-Cracking a whip on illegal extraction and transportation of minerals, police have seized 17 vehicles and arrested 17 drivers in Kulgam.

Acting swiftly upon the specific information generated from credible sources regarding the transportation of illegal mining minerals in the jurisdiction of Police Post Mirbazar, multiple teams headed by IC PP Mirbazar along with DMO Kulgam were constituted. Subsequently, multiple checkpoints at Mirbazar Chowk, Akhran and Manigam were established. During checking, 17 vehicles including 16 tractors and a Dumper involved in illegal extraction and transportation of minerals were seized. The drivers were apprehended and shifted to police post Mirbazar where they remain in police custody.

Regarding the incidents, cases under relevant sections of law have been registered at Police Station Qazigund and investigation has been initiated.

People are requested not to indulge in any kind of illegal mining activities from any Nallah/river as it is the violation of Government rules. Persons found indulging in illegal mining activities shall be dealt as per law.

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