Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Vijay Bakaya holds meeting with migrant KPs in Gangyal
Says migrants don’t trust traditional parties, commits support to Zafar Iqbal Manhas

Jammu, May 19 (Scoop News)-Continuing door-to-door campaign in Jammu’s migrant Kashmir Pandit’s inhabited areas, the Apni Party today held several meetings with them to garner support for the Party’s candidate from Rajouri – Anantnag Parliamentary seat, Zafar Iqbal Manhas.

As a part of the intensified election campaign that is being carried out across Rajouri – Anantnag parliamentary seat, the meetings of the Party were chaired by State General Secretary of the Apni Party, Vijay Bakaya at Shanker Colony in Gangyal, District Jammu.

In this meeting, Vijay Bakaya informed the migrant voters about the value of casting their vote to ensure their safe, and honourable return and rehabilitation in Kashmir valley.

He said that the migrant Kashmiri Pandits feel betrayed by the political parties, which promised them political representation, redressal of their camp and non-camp issues, and return and rehabilitation in Kashmir valley.

“These parties exploited the migrant KP’s vote bank to return to power. Hence, the migrants feel that they were misled,” he said, addressing the meeting.

He said that the migrant KPs have committed to vote in favour of the Apni Party candidate for Rajouri – Anantnag Parliamentary seat.

Meanwhile, prominent social activist, and senior leader of the Apni Party, M.K. Yogi, and State General Secretary of Youth Wing / Spokesperson, Abhay Bakaya also spoke on the occasion while seeking vote and support in favour of Zafar Iqbal Manhas sahab.
Party leaders Nanaji Wattal, Pawan Kaul, Ashok Bawnoo and others also attended the meeting.
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