Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Lt Governor congratulates people, stakeholders on high voter turnout in Baramulla PC

Srinagar, May 20 (Scoop News)- Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha congratulated the people and all the stakeholders on the high voter turnout in Baramulla Parliamentary Constituency.

In a tweet, the Lt Governor said:

“High voter turnout, over 58% in Baramulla Parliamentary Constituency, is very encouraging and shows the people's determination and unwavering faith in democracy. I congratulate and thank the people of Baramulla for joining the Maha Kumbh of our democracy in large numbers.

I appreciate the hard work of all the stakeholders to ensure free, fair, accessible, inclusive & peaceful conduct of voting. Happy to see young voters expressing and celebrating their unshakable faith in democratic values. Hope this positive trend will continue in the next phase”.
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