Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Tariq Hameed Karra Honors the Legacy of Former PM Rajiv Gandhi with resounding Tributes

Srinagar, May 21 (Scoop News)-Paying tributes to former Prime Minister Bharat Ratna Rajiv Gandhi today on his death anniversary, Senior Congress Leader and CWC Member Tariq Hameed Karra said, that the martyrdom of Rajiv Gandhi can never be forgotten till this world exists and we solemnly honor and remember a true patriot and visionary leader.

Rajiv Gandhi's unwavering commitment to our Nation and his profound contributions have left an indelible mark on our society, Karra said.

Karra said Rajiv Gandhi, as the former Prime Minister, championed technological advancements, propelling our nation into a new era of innovation and progress. His pivotal efforts to lower the voting age to 18 empowered countless young voices, thereby strengthening our democracy and ensuring a brighter future for generations to come. His legacy is one of revolution and transformation, shaping our present and influencing our future.

Rajiv Gandhi's enduring legacy continues to inspire us, reminding us of the cost of freedom and the enduring strength of our democratic values. As we reflect on his sacrifice today, we reaffirm our commitment to the principles Rajiv Gandhi tirelessly fought for, Karra added and said his bravery and dedication will continue to guide us in our quest for justice, equality and peace. His memory remains a beacon of hope and a source of strength for all who strive for a better future, Tariq Hameed Karra further said.

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