Friday, October 18, 2024
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Social Forestry Department, Range Budgam, Organizes Environmental Awareness Programme

Srinagar, May 21 (Scoop News)-The Social Forestry Department, Range Budgam, took a proactive step towards environmental conservation by organizing an Environmental Awareness Programme at the International Islamic School, Peerbagh, Srinagar.

The event was graced by Divisional Forest Officer Centre Kashmir, Dr. Mumtaz Majeed as Chief Guest.

The event also witnessed enthusiastic participation of various dignitaries including Range Forest Officer, Budgam Mohd Maqbool Lone, President of Private Schools Association J&K G N Var, IIS Chairman Tariq Ahmad Bhat, Director Showkat Mirza, Principal Umar Ahmad Bhat, Range Officer, Bilal Ahmad, President of JK Trade Union Council Abdul Majeed Parray and various departmental officers, employees, and teachers joined the hands to make the event a grand success.

The event aimed to educate and inspire students and the community to take proactive measures in safeguarding the environment. In this event 03 students of International Islamic School Peerbagh Srinagar got 1st, 2nd and 3rd position who will be awarded in an impressive function tomorrow
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