Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Bagless’ Wednesday observed in Government Schools of District Doda
Doda,May 23 (Scoop News)- To reduce pressure on school children and make teaching and learning more interesting, ‘Bagless day 2024 was observed in all the government schools of District Doda.

The activities like yoga, exercise, sports and cultural events were organised in the schools. The new step aims to infuse fresh enthusiasm among children and keep them connected with the school. Children will find school education informative as well as entertaining.

Chief Education Officer Parkash Lal Thapa, Principal DIET Purshotam Das Gouria along with DEPO Dr Anis Ahmed graced the occasion of Bagless program at PM SHRI GHSS Trown.

While welcoming the guests, the Principal of the institution said that the main objective behind the program aims to physical, mental and intellectual development of students, they will be given a day-off from studies and engaged in extracurricular activities every Wednesday.

In his address, the CEO said the Principals and Headmasters of the schools have been instructed to pre-plan activities for one Saturday in a month and it will be displayed on the school notice panel. The Schools have been asked to organise story-telling sessions, debate competition, elocution competition, question forum and group discussion, essay, poetry, story, dialogue writing, and chart making competition” he added.

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