Friday, October 18, 2024
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Mehbooba Mufti reaffirms PDP's commitment to peaceful democratic solutions in J&K

Srinagar, July 24 (Scoop News)- The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) President Mehbooba Mufti today engaged with the youth wing delegates of the party at her residence in Srinagar. The event saw participation from scores of youngsters from across the valley, reflecting the vibrant involvement of youth in the party's activities.

Expressing her gratitude, Mehbooba Mufti thanked the youth members for their tireless efforts during the recently held parliamentary elections. She emphasized the PDP's unwavering dedication to peace-building initiatives, including ceasefire agreements, granting amnesty to thousands of youngsters, initiating dialogue with separatists, and opening of roads for sustainable peace in Kashmir. Mufti reiterated that all alliances formed by the PDP aimed at bridging the gap between Kashmir and the rest of the country, pursuing peaceful resolutions with neighboring regions.

Criticizing the current government's approach of using force, imprisonment, and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) to enforce peace in Kashmir, she stated, "Today there’s silence in Kashmir and violence in Jammu." She highlighted the alarming levels of unemployment in J&K, describing the youth as the region's biggest asset. Unfortunately, due to unprecedented unemployment levels, many young people have fallen victim to depression and drug abuse.

In her address, Mufti welcomed the participation of Jamaat-e-Islami in the democratic process, affirming the PDP's consistent advocacy for political engagement and reconciliation across diverse ideologies.

The youth from across the valley reaffirmed their faith in Mehbooba Mufti's leadership, urging her to remain steadfast in her commitment to their cause. They pledged their unwavering support to her in this crucial battle for peace and development in Jammu and Kashmir.
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