Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Counseling cum workshop organizes for the students and parents of J&K and Ladakh

Leh, July 24 (Scoop News)- Counseling cum workshop for the students and parents of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh under Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shikha Protsahan Yojana- SSSJKL 2024-25 was conducted at Eliezer Joldan Memorial College, Leh on July 23.

The speakers for the workshop were Director-SSJKL Cell, AICTE, Kunaljeet Singh; Deputy Director -SSSJKL Cell, AICTE, Dr. Nikhil Kant; Consultant-SSSJKL Professor, Ajeet Angral; Director College Affairs, Professor Tashi Dawa.

The speakers briefed the students about the scheme in detail and how they can benefit the most from it.

The speakers and the participants also had an interactive/ question answer session at the end of the program, wherein, the participants came up with various doubts and queries which were answered by the speakers.

Around 170 students from various Higher Secondary Schools of Leh district participated.

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