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Advisor Ladakh Dr Pawan Kotwal reviews upgradation on EOC Ladakh

Leh, July 24 (Scoop News)-Advisor Ladakh Dr Pawan Kotwal, also the Chairman State Disaster Management Authority, UT Ladakh held a meeting to discuss the upgradation of the Emergency Operation Centre (EOC), Ladakh.

The consultant team of Disaster Management, Relief Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (DMRRR) Ladakh, presented a detailed report on the proposed upgrade, including strengthening of manpower, equipment upgradation and technology advances to upgrade the EOC to an Integrated Command and Control System, with a flawless response and communication system.

Discussions were held on identifying sensitive locations, kinds of calamities that are most prone in Ladakh and the solutions most viable in the expanse and terrane of Ladakh.

Advisor Dr Kotwal stated that calamity-prone areas, including Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) lakes and landslide-prone areas, must be identified for instrumentation and the entire project must be workable, actionable, and doable.

He also stated that the existing infrastructure and equipment must be incorporated in the upgradation and a committee be formed to ensure synchrony between the departments of Home, DMRRR, Indian Meteorological Department, and the executing department.

Administrative Secretary, DMRRR Amit Sharma, DC Leh Santosh Sukhdeve, Director IMD Sonam Lotus and other concerned officials were present during the meeting.

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