Friday, October 18, 2024
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Army’s intervention prevents spread of massive fire at Boniyar main Market in Baramulla

Srinagar, July 25 (Scoop News)- A massive fire broke out in the main market of Boniyar in Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir, which resulted in endangering damage to persons and their shops& stores. However, the swift response of the Indian Army and Police played a crucial role in controlling the fire and preventing any loss of life.

Upon receiving reports of the fire, the Indian Army, stationed at Boniyar, immediately mobilised their resources, including water dozers, fire extinguishers and firefighting equipment, to the site. Their rapid action contained the fire, ensuring no further spread or additional damage to the market, or nearby structures and the persons.

Subsequently, the fire service arrived at the scene to reinforce the firefighting efforts. The collaborative response of the Indian Army, Police and the Fire Services effectively controlled the situation, demonstrating a coordinated and efficient approach to emergency management. The residents expressed their gratitude to the Indian Army for their prompt response and commendable efforts in preventing a life threatening disaster.
The Indian Army is ever committed for the welfare of the citizens if India.

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