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What should pregnant women pay special attention to on Diwali

Dr. Chanchal Sharma

The festival of Diwali is celebrated with great pomp in almost all parts of India. On this day, everyone lights diyas in their homes, makes rangoli and worships Lakshmi-Ganesh. People start cleaning work about 1 month before Diwali. Diwali is also called the festival of lights because on this day everyone's house is lit up. To ensure that your joy is not affected, on the occasion of Diwali, Asha Ayurveda Director and Fertility Specialist Dr. Chanchal Sharma has given some important tips for pregnant women, keeping in mind which you can make your pregnancy comfortable even during pregnancy.

Here we will talk about all the important things for pregnant women, from cleaning before Diwali to the sweets on Diwali day.

How to clean the house during pregnancy

Special attention is given to cleaning before Diwali. The entire design is changed from the house to the outside. If you are pregnant, you should do everything while cleaning keeping your health in mind. Avoid doing physical work and take help from other members of the house for these tasks. Instead of that, you can do some creative work. Avoid lifting heavy items because in such a case your energy will be misused and it can affect your pregnancy. You should also stay away from chemical products. It is very important to take care of your health in such a hectic life.

Take care of your food

Sweets have a special role in the festival of Diwali. On this occasion, people gift each other sweets and namkeen. But pregnant women should avoid such fried and sweet foods because it can cause you acidity problem which is not good for your health. You should also avoid excessive consumption of tea, coffee and alcohol while guesting.

Avoid paint

People use paints to brighten up their homes before Diwali, but this can trigger your asthma, so stay away from places where whitewashing or painting is being done.

Other tips for the safety of pregnant women

On the occasion of Diwali, everyone gets ready and goes to wish each other, but pregnant women should avoid beauty treatments at such times. The chemicals used in such products can be harmful for you and your unborn baby.

Often on such occasions, people burn crackers, but pregnant women should avoid the noise and smoke of crackers because it can be harmful to your health, so neither burn crackers yourself nor stay in a place where fireworks are going on.

Taking blessings from elders has been a part of Indian culture. On the occasion of Diwali, pregnant women should avoid bending repeatedly.

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