Saturday, February 22, 2025
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JPDCL Chief Engineer Approached for 24 Hour Power Supply to Katra

Katra, February 20 (Scoop News)-A delegation from the Chamber of Tourism Trade and Industry Katra (CTTIK), led by President Raj Kumar Padha and Secretary Atul Sharma, met with Sh. K.K. Thappa the Chief Engineer of the Jammu Power Distribution Corporation Limited (JPDCL) in his office chamber to discuss pressing electricity supply concerns affecting the hospitality industry in the region.

During the discussions, the delegation emphasized the vital role of electricity in the hospitality sector, comparing it to the lifeblood of the industry. Given the critical dependence of hotels and other establishments on uninterrupted power, the delegation strongly urged JPDCL to ensure a 24-hour power supply to maintain the seamless operation of businesses catering to millions of pilgrims visiting the holy town of Katra annually.

Additionally, the CTTIK delegation brought to the Chief Engineer’s attention the issue of electricity billing under the KVAH tariff structure, which has been applied with retrospective effect. The delegation referred to the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) Order No. JERC/LAW-S/P/2022/F-5/478-84 dated 13-10-2022, which clearly states that the application of the KVAH tariff should be prospective from November 2022. The delegation firmly requested an urgent rectification of the bills issued to ensure compliance with the regulatory order.

Recognizing the importance of a robust power infrastructure in Katra, which welcomes approximately one crore pilgrims annually, the delegation also demanded urgent augmentation of the region’s electricity distribution infrastructure. Specifically, they requested the provision of LT cables, transformer cables, and the upgradation of overloaded transformers to ensure a stable and efficient power supply.

In light of past amnesty schemes granted to domestic consumers, the delegation further urged the JPDCL to introduce a power amnesty scheme for commercial power consumers, providing much-needed relief to businesses struggling with excessive billing concerns.

CTTIK expressed hope that the JPDCL would take immediate steps to address these pressing issues and provide timely resolutions for the betterment of the hospitality industry and the local economy.

Sh. K. K. Thappa gave a patient hearing to all the points and ensured his full cooperation and support. Chamber of Tourism Trade and Industry Katra expressed gratitude to the JPDCL officials for the opportunity to engage in this constructive dialogue.

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