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JK Gujjars resemble Turkish Tribes says new book

Jammu, November 27 (Scoop News) – Claiming that word “Gujjar” has been derived from Turkish word “Göçer” , which still exist in Turkish Language and used for seasonal pastoralist nomadic communities, a latest research book entitled ‘The Gujjar Tribe of Jammu and Kashmir” written by reputed Tribal Researcher Dr.Javaid Rahi revealed that the 5000 year history of Gujjars unexpectedly resembles with the tribes of Turkish origins who according to historical evidences left for Koh-e kaf before Christ alongwith their, camels and other domestic animals later settled in Indian subcontinent .

The other opinion about origin of Gujjars linking the community with Georgia / Arab, / Central Asia and India have also thoroughly discussed in the book compressing of 256 pages , released by Gulshan Books for readers of India and abroad.

According to book, the Gujjar race had remained a most vibrant identity of Central Asia in BC era and later ruled over many princely states in northern India (till 1200 ) for hundreds of years and left their imprints in the Indian subcontinent and inscribed them in such a way that they could not be destroyed even after thousands of years.

The new research book has proved that in Jammu and Kashmir state “Turki” is one of the important cast (Gotra) of Gujjars and hundreds of Turki Gujjars are residing in different districts of Kashmir Valley.

As per the book, in Gojri there are a number words which are Turkish origin thereby linking the Gujjars history with Turks. Even this is surprising that the Tribal Folk-Art and Costumes of Nomadic Gujjar still resembles with that of Trakish tribe.

The anthropological study said that the physical feature and facial expressions of Gujjars amazingly resembles to that Turkish Tribals.

This is a first book which presents comprehensive account of Histroy and Culture of Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir.Compeltete articles on Tribal Economy of Gujjars, Poltical Emowerment of Tribal Gujjars and a brief intro of Gujjar Gotras are also included in the book.

Dr. Javaid Rahi the author of the book said that the book has been divided into five parts. Part first is titled History of Gujjars second is about Political empowerment of Gujjars, third is about Gujjar Culture and community, fourth chapter is about Gujjar Identity which have been contributed by Luv Puri, Zafar Chowdhary, M B Magrey , Muzamil Malik and fifth chapter is about Rights of Gujjars.

A detailed article about Gurjara Pratihara Empires who formed an Indian dynasty that ruled much of Northren India from the 6th to the 11th centuries also included in the book.

The details Costumes ,Traditions , food habits, living habits and Arts, and Crafts of Gujjars of J&K are also included in the book.

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