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JK Governor Stresses effective use of communication technology
inaugurates 2-day National Seminar at KU
Srinagar, May 15(Scoop News) –N. N. Vohra, Governor, today stressed the crucial importance of effective use of communication technology for the advancement of educational goals by reaching out to the students in the remote and difficult areas.
The Governor, as Chief Guest, was inaugurating a 2-day National Seminar on “Television and New Communication Technologies - The Changing Paradigm of Education”, organized by the Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMMRC), University of Kashmir, here today.
The Governor observed that we have to take every necessary step for catching up with the rapidly advancing frontiers of knowledge. This can be done through effective utilization of communication technology so that the less advantaged boys and girls in the remote areas receive the same quality of learning as is available to the economically better placed segments of the student community living in the urban centres. He suggested that the University can produce programmes based on expert lectures on various topics and telecasting or broadcasting these on a given day for the benefit of boys and girls studying in the remote areas of the State.
Referring to the evolution of Television and the revolution in communication technology in the country in the past years, the Governor said that this paved the way for spread of education through the medium of INSAT and, thereafter, through a number of education channels, some of which run round the clock education programmes. He observed that we have traveled a long distance in spreading education through the medium of communication technology through the country wide classrooms (CWCR) programme and TV channels telecasting knowledge based programmes.
The Governor, who is Chancellor of the University, complimented the Vice Chancellor for taking the initiative of inviting well known academicians and experts in various fields to visit the University to speak to the students and share their experiences on varied subjects with the faculty and students. He said that EMMRC can produce programmes on identified issues and subjects to enlarge the awareness among the people of the State and those living in the rest of the country. Such programmes could particularly benefit the people of the State in getting to know the various programmes and policies aimed at their development and welfare. He observed that EMMRC had been requested to produce a programme for the pilgrims to the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Yatra, particularly to educate them about the Do’s and Don’ts of the Yatra, particularly the high altitude risks involved in trekking across 14000 feet high passes.
The Governor congratulated the University for organizing this Seminar and wished fruitful deliberations to the participants.
The Governor felicitated Prof. Manzoor-ul-Amin, founder Head of the EMMRC, Kashmir University, by presenting to him a memento and a shawl. He complimented the University for inviting Prof. Amin to address this Seminar and recalled his valued contribution to the growth of broadcasting systems in the country.
Prof. Talat Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, University of Kashmir, said that the University is taking many initiatives for the spread of knowledge. He stated that the University is mulling to set up a large sized Seismograph by taking advantage of available technology.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. T. R. Kem, Director, CEC, New Delhi, thanked the Governor for taking keen interest in the promotion of education. In this context, he particularly expressed his gratitude to the Governor for suggesting to Dr. Shahid Rasool, Director, EMMRC, during his book release function in January this year, for organizing a seminar involving experts in the arenas of education, development and communication technology from within and outside the State with a view to discuss possibilities of using television and new technologies for the holistic growth of education, and for creating equal opportunities of learning for students irrespective of their geographical location. He called for enacting a legislation to set up virtual universities in the country.
Prof. Manzoor-ul-Amin, founder Head, EMMRC, Kashmir University, in his Keynote Address, spoke extensively about the growth of distance education technology in the country in the past decades, adding that all these technological advancements have tremendously impacted the lives of people. He added that the effective use of latest communication technology can help in rapidly securing the objectives of learning and development.
In his welcome address, Dr. Shahid Rasool, Director, EMMRC, University of Kashmir, said that the Seminar will be spread over four working sessions. He said that 90 experts from all over the country are participating in this Seminar in which 65 papers will be presented by the noted experts.
Dr. Salima Jan, Seminar Coordinator, presented a Vote of Thanks.
Among those present on the occasion were Heads of Departments, Deans, faculty members, participants of the Seminar and students of the University.
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