Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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JK CM in Awami Mulakat
Srinagar, May 25 (Scoop News) –Reiterating his government’s endeavour to seek inclusive development of all sections of the society, Chief Minster, Omar Abdullah today told the deputation of Gujjars and Bakerwals that government has put in place a comprehensive development policy to reach out all areas and sections of the society in development process.
“Focused attention is on the holistic development of poor and weaker sections of the society besides remote areas”, he said adding that the new initiatives and measures taken during the last over three years have shown visible impact on ground. He said the physical existence of development works and improvement in the basic amenities along with empowering people to make government answerable before them speaks loud and clear about the governance of the present dispensation.
The Chief Minister said that special schemes launched for the welfare of downtrodden and weaker sections of the society have shown their result positively. He said various Advisory Boards have been constituted to focus on the all-round development of particular sections of the society and involve their representatives in the formation of development policy and implementation of schemes. He said the government has kept special provisions in the budget for the development of remote areas and upliftment of weaker sections.
Omar Abdullah in his today’s Awami Mulakat received over two dozens of deputations and scores of individuals who during their interaction presented to him memoranda pertaining to their difficulties and development demands. The individuals sought the intervention of the Chief Minister for getting their personal matters redressed at various levels in the administration.
The Chief Minister gave patient hearing and disposed off most of the cases on spot by conveying directions and referring many to the concerned quarters for necessary action. He also directed for registering the demands of the people to incorporate in the development plans.
Among the deputations who called on the Chief Minister included a deputation of Pump Dealers Association. It brought to the notice of the Chief Minister various issues relating to the trade and business of the Association.
A deputation of SSA Engineers and a deputation of Works Supervisors Association apprised the Chief Minister of their problems while delegation of Post Graduate Masters and HDF employees highlighted their difficulties.
A deputation of Professors and Lecturers of Islamia College, Srinagar raised the issues pertaining to their welfare and the development of the college. A delegation of Kashmir Copper Workers Union requested the Chief Minister for strict implementation of the Act pertaining to the manufacturing the Copper items in the State.
A deputation from SKIMS Employees talked about the importance of opening institute for technical trainings and also raised the issue of providing full salary to the under-training technicians of SKIMS. A deputation of PhD scholars in their meeting with the Chief Minister raised the matters pertaining to their concern while the deputations of J&K Handloom Cooperative Society Union discussed issues relating to the development of this sector and welfare of the people associated with it.
Various other deputations from Gund-Ibrahim, Pattan, Rafiabad, Srinagar, Zakura, Ganderbal, Pampore, Pulwama, Baramulla, Kangan, Katra and other areas apprised the Chief Minister of the development demands of their areas and sought special focusing in the development process of backward pockets.
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