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Journalists condemn murder of newspaper employee

New Delhi/Jammu, October 15 (Scoop News)- The Delhi Union of Journalists (DUJ) expresses its shock and anguish at the shooting of newspaper worker Rajendra Dupare in Nagpur.
DUJ in a statement alleged that he was shot by the editor/owner of the Marathi daily Deshonnati, while he and other employees were peacefully protesting against the termination of their services.

In a statement DUJ condemned the growing tendency to use violence to resolve industrial
disputes, including the use of armed private security guards, bouncers and other goons. We condemn the hire and fire policy and other unethical practices.

The DUJ believes that the inefficiency and bias of the official labour machinery, which rarely enforces the labour laws, is frequently responsible for the outbreak of violence. We call for industrial justice and peace. We also demand that those responsible for the
Nagpur murder must be arrested forthwith.

The DUJ further calls upon the central and state labour ministries to investigate concrete cases of starvation deaths in newspaper offices following unfair labour practices and non-implementation of the wage board and relevant Acts connected with the newspaper industry.
In a joint statement today President Sujata Madhok and General Secretary S K Pande reiterated that wage board employees had been arbitrarily sacked after announcement of the wage board. Some more were victimized after release of the wage board report and some employees have already died. It called for the maximum unity of all journalist and press bodies to fight such anti-labour policies.
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