Saturday, October 5, 2024
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JK CM announces perks for state Police force
JK State moving out from darkness into light
Srinagar, October 21 (Scoop News) - Announcing enhancement of ex-gratia assistance for next kin of police martyrs, increase in uniform and kit maintenance allowance and two sets of uniforms for traffic police annually, JK CM Omar Abdullah said that the proposals put up by the Police Department in this regard have been approved and orders are following.
While Paying rich tributes to police martyrs on Police Martyrs’ Commemoration Day being observed today, the Chief Minister said that the government is determined to provide all help to the families of police martyrs. “We are equally bereaved by the loss of your dearest ones. We share your grief. We are standing with you. We will never allow you to feel alone”, he told families of martyrs and added that though this would not compensate for the sacrifice made by martyrs, yet this exhibits our association with martyr families and intend to help them by all means.

Chief Minister highlighted their sacrifice and said that they have given their lives to safeguard the country and ensure security of people.
“The spirit of sacrificing ones today to safeguard future of others demonstrated by police martyrs is an act of high standard principles and is salute worthy”, he said this while addressing a function of observance of Police Martyrs Commemoration Day at Zewan near here.
Omar Abdullah said that J&K Police has played an important role in the process of restoration of peace and tranquility in the State and its sacrifices in this regard have yielded noteworthy result. He said J&K Police force has to undertake two different duties of maintenance of law and order and combating militancy simultaneously. “The two are quite different to each other and each requires separate specialized training”, he said.
“State police personnel have to keep a gun in one hand and a stick in the other to deal with different situations. This is a peculiar phenomenon in the State”, he said adding that despite many difficulties and challenges Jammu and Kashmir Police has proven its mettle earning the status of one of the best forces in the country.
Omar Abdullah underlined the close relation and rapport between police force and the general public to maintain calm and tranquility and foil nefarious designs of anti-peace elements. “The cooperation between police and the people have resulted into great improvement in the situation”, he said adding that more than 10 lakh visitors and over 5 lakh Amarnath yatries have visited the State this year generating vast ranging economic activities for people and rejuvenating tourism sector.

CM said that State is coming out of darkness of violence and disturbance into the light of peace and development. However, he added that some people are frustrated to see this improvement and are bent upon creating disturbance, tension and snatch sense of security from people.
“They try to use both the gun and the voice to develop fear in the minds of people and drag the State back into the darkness from which it is coming out steadily. They want to snatch the sense of security from people, mar their normal life activities and disturb peace for their selfish ends”, he maintained and said that the government with the help of people would not allow this to happen.

In his speech, Director General Police, Ashok Prasad presented resume of welfare measures taken by the Police Department for families of police martyrs. He said that over Rs. 75.50 lakh have been provided to these families as assistance during last year besides ex-gratia relief worth Rs. 1.50 crore to next of kins of martyrs. He said Rs. 12 lakhs have been provided in the shape of scholarship to 440 children of martyrs besides providing employment to over 780. He said the martyrs’ daughters are being provided Rs. 50,000 for bearing expenses of marriage. He expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister for his keen interest in the welfare of families of police martyrs and strengthening of Jammu and Kashmir Police force.
The Chief Minister laid flower wreath at the martyrs memorial and paid tributes to them when the role of honour was carried in a march past across the dice towards the martyrs memorial.
Minister for Public Enterprises, Peerzada Mohammad Sayed, Minister for Agriculture, Ghulam Hassan Mir, Advisor to the Chief Minister, Mubarak Gul, Minister of State for Home, Nasir Aslam Wani, Vice Chairman Gujjar and Bakerwal Board, B. A. Naaz, legislator, Javid Mustafa Mir, Principal Secretaries, M. I. Khandey and B. B. Vyas, top brass of Jammu and Kashmir Police, martyrs’ families and a large number of civilians were present on the occasion.
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