Saturday, October 26, 2024
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Body of Chambail Singh to be handed over by Pak soon: Kichloo

Jammu, March 4 (Scoop News) - Minister of State for Home, Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo in reply to an adjournment motion by Harsh Dev Singh on Chambail Singh said that as per fax message received from Union Ministry of Home Affairs, the Indian High Commission in Islamabad has been formally told by the Pakistan authorities that post-mortem of the body of one Chambail Singh who died on 15 January 2013 at Lahore has been conducted and body will be handed over shortly.

The Minister said that the High Commission of India is also in touch with one of the sons of the deceased about the status of the case. He said that the High Commission of India will bear the expenses of transportation of the body as an when it is handed over by the Pakistan.
Kichloo said that Chambail Singh was reportedly detained in Pakistan in early 2010. He was sentenced to five years rigorous imprisonment starting August, 18 2010.
MLAs, Harsh Dev Singh, Balwant Singh Mankotia, Jugal Kishore and Chaman Lal Gupta took part in the discussion on motion and demanded that State Government should take up this issue with union Government so that they can persuade Government of Pakistan to hand over the body of Chambail Singh to his family at the earliest for last rites.
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