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J&K Government to Promote Organic Farming
Jammu, March 18 (Scoop News) – Minister for Agricultural Production Government of Jammu and Kashmir announced a study to develop systematic approach and plan for developing Organic Farming in the state of Jammu and Kashmir while speaking in a conference on Organic Farming organized by ASSOCHAM in collaboration with Govt of Jammu & Kashmir and Ministry of Food processing Industries, GoI. The Summit was inaugurated by Ghulam Hassan Mir,Minister for Agriculture Production, Government of Jammu & Kashmir in the presence of Dr. Tej Pratap, Vice Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kashmir and Shri Ajay Khajuria, Director, Agriculture Department, Jammu, J & K.

In his inaugural address, Ghulam Hassan Mir, Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture Production, Government of Jammu & Kashmir, said that State offers immense possibilities for organic farming. He also focused on the several steps taken by State Government in order to highlight the importance of agriculture in the all-round growth of the State economy. He also said that we will have to make wholehearted efforts to promote organic farming in state as the state has immense potential in this sector. Minister in his address highlighted that soil’s fertility is decreasing day by day due to use of chemical fertilizer, Under such circumstances; we have to adopt organic farming. He emphasized that organic farming is picking up pace in India but the sector has been jostling with lack of awareness, knowledge and confidence about organic farming, food products among both farmers and consumers so there is need to open various institute in state which will provide training and awareness program on Organic Farming. He said that In this farming system approach a piece of land is used optimally and to its fullest potential to produce a range of nutritious and healthy food as well as other required commodities in a manner which can healthily feed a small family, and maintain soil health and productivity by agricultural practices based on principles of organic farming.
Minister said that J&K has huge potential for organic farming as a large area of cultivated land in the State is already under semi-organic cultivation by default of remote areas in hilly districts of the State as due to the non-availability of chemical fertilizers in these areas. He said that Basmati rice of R. S. Pura, Rajmah of Bhaderwah, potato of Gurez and Machil and red rice (Zug) of Tangdar Kupwara are major exportable organic products and have the potential to of better returns in the national and international markets. He focused To explore markets elsewhere in the country and abroad for its saffron, basmati rice and rajmash among various other agricultural produce, the Jammu-Kashmir government is adopting organic farming in a systematic manner. Finally in his Inaugural speech he said that the farmers of Jammu & Kashmir should tap the opportunity of the growing demand of “Organic Products” in India as well as across the globe. He said that the state of J & K can also take a lead by promoting Organic Farming Practices & becoming the first “Organic State” of India.

Dr. Tej Pratap, Vice Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kashmir. said that the State of J & K saying no to chemical way of farming in the near future. "State of J & K is a natural place to go organic, the state has a vast potential in that respect. He also said that Organic agriculture is generally perceived as a form of agriculture that is more favorable for the environment than conventional agriculture. He also said that Organic farming comes closest to an environment friendly agriculture with increased soil conservation and enhanced biodiversity. He said that the State already have large swathes of land farmers are growing walnuts and herbs organically. On 32,000 hectares of land, mostly in the countryside, farmers do not use chemicals at all. Many of them export walnut, saffron and almond and fetch handsome amounts. While the walnut is organic, farmers can even grow saffron organically." Finally in his address he said that there is a need of the hour, to take up the Organic practice on a much larger scale.

Ajay Khajuria, Director Agriculture, Government of J & K in his address said that by introducing organic farming on commercial, scientific and organized lines the farmers can harvest rich dividends here and farming can become sustainable. He also focused on the growing trend worldwide of shifting from chemical to organic farming, higher prices for organic agricultural products and higher remuneration for growers has prompted the department to start organic rice farming. He highlighted that with an eye on growing national and international demand, Jammu's agriculture department has begun cultivating organic basmati rice in the region. The organic paddy is produced using organic manure and no chemical fertilizer or pesticides are used in their growing.

Rohit Gupta, MD, Sarweshwar Organic Food Pvt Ltd said that Organic farming system in India is not new and is being followed from ancient time. It is a method of farming system which primarily aimed at cultivating the land and raising crops in such a way, as to keep the soil alive and in good health by use of organic wastes. He also said that Under organic farming, there is a good scope for Basmati rice, which is grown on over 35,000 hectares of land in the state and has a production of over 88,000 metric tonnes, besides rajmash, pulses, saffron, peas and potato, which are cultivated in temperate areas during the Kharif season. Mr Gupta also highlighted problems faced by the traders from J&K in uplinking with markets especially in export of organic products. He suggested to Government for providing logistic support to the exporters so that benefits may be passed on to the farmers. He also brought out to the notice that despite exemption of toll tax for organic products, state authorities are levying toll tax on the organic product at Lakhanpur.

Dr. Ombeer Tyagi, Sr. Director ASSOCHAM in his Welcome address gave the background and rational behind organizing this Summit on Organic farming in Jammu, J & K. He said that the important progress towards organic agriculture can be made in India by increasing awareness of the ill effects of the modern farming system. He also discussed about the various problems and issues faced and possible solutions to them. He said that there is need to provide trainings on Organic Farming for Farmers, Extension Officers, Field Workers, Scientists, Agronomists, Horticulturists, Researchers, Service Providers, Inspectors, Marketing Personnel and Students on various aspects of organic farming. In his address he finally discussed about the potential benefits of the organic farming which includes: - Sustainable agriculture, Increasing agriculture production, Environmental protection, Conservation of natural resources, Rural development.

Earlier ASSOCHAM released a report on Organic Farming in the conference. The report contains the snapshots of organic farming including present scenario and opportunities in this sector.

On be half of ASSOCHAM Dr. Om S. Tyagi, Sr. Director, ASSOCHAM proposed a hearty Vote of thanks to Ghulam Hassan Mir, Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture Production, Government of Jammu & Kashmir, Dr. Tej Pratap, Vice Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kashmir, Ajay Khajuria, Director Agriculture, Government of J & K, and Rohit Gupta, Managing Director, Sarveshwar Organic Foods Limited

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