Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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DUJ Castigates Government-Management Connivance

New Delhi/Jammu, April 3 (Scoop News) –The Supreme Court fixed July 9 for the next wage board hearing set up to recommend wage boards for journalists and non-journalists. It is likely to be under another bench with the present bench of Justices Aftab Alam and Ranjana Desai giving clear indications.

According to S K Pande ,General Secretary, DUJ in a statement said that in the brief hearing on April 2, 2013, Justice Alam indicated that he would not be able to take up the matter as he was retiring on April 18.

Colin Gonsalves, who appeared jointly for several journalists and non-journalist bodies raised the plight of the workers in the backdrop of the long-drawn wage board hearings, Pande said.

Press workers and journalists,meanwhile slated to hold special meetings in various states in the course of the month. In Delhi spontaneous meetings have already taken place to express their concern at continuous delay and the wait and watch attitude of the government.

The Delhi Union of Journalists (DUJ) at an emergency executive meeting expressed concern at the inordinate delay in the final announcement. The DUJ also called for a united front to take note of not only the delay but also reports reaching Delhi of a fresh dose of coercive contracts even in newspaper establishments known to have a tradition of wage board implementation.

It reiterated that contracts and the new patterns of even veiled contracts were an infringement on the freedom of the press, the right of association and smacked of McCarthyism. It cautioned all journalist bodies against divide and rule machinations and increasing management-government connivance to reduce the wage board to `nothingness’.

Interactive day to day sessions of DUJ members would continue till the weekend.
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