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“Urdu is the Language of Love”: Wani
Releases Anand Lehars latest Urdu Novel “Naamdev"
Jammu, April 7 (Scoop News) –Minister for R&B Mr Abdul Majid Wani Sunday said Urdu is the language of the people and works of poets and writers in this language infuse new enthusiasm and popularity among the masses thereby encouraging its further propagation and spread. He said we cannot afford to ignore this rich language as it connects us with our rich cultural heritage and roots. He said Urdu is the language of love and belongs to every one and should never be associated with a particular community or region.
The Minister was speaking at a book release function organized by Centre for Professional Studies in Urdu, University of Jammu in Collaboration with Rasa Javedani Memorial Literary Society and Nami Dogrib Sanstha. Vice Chancellor, Jammu University Prof. M.P Singh Isher presided over the function.
Speaking after releasing a Urdu Novel tilled 'Naamdev' written by Urdu writer and senior Supreme Court Lawyer Anand Lehar, Mrt Wani said that Urdu writers like Anand Lehar have contributed a lot to propagate Urdu in the state through their literary works. He said through his Novels and short stories Mr Anand has made a name for himself as a well known fiction writer of the subcontinent. He said his Novels and other works have always given a message of Love and Brotherhood.
Mr Wani said that government is committed to popularise Urdu language and will take all measures at all levels in propagating Urdu reading and writing in the State. He appreciated the role of the Vice Chancellor and the organizers in promotion of Urdu language and literature, adding that he will always support the endeavors of the Government and all organizations in promoting local languages.
Vice Chancellor in his address congratulated the Centre for Professional Studies in Urdu for Organizing the Book release function. He said Urdu being the official language in the state should be given its due. He said, the University will provide full support to Urdu organizations working for the promotion of the Language . He described Anand Lehar is a prominent writer in Urdu Language having authored more than a dozen famous books in Urdu.
Earlier Director of the Centre Prof Shohab Inayat Malik in his address threw light on the life of Anand Lehar and described him as a secular and a noble human being who through his writings has preached peace and touched the realities of life.
Dr Farhat Shamim presented a critical paper on the Novel Naamdev during the book release function.
On the occasion, Minister for R&B Mr Abdul Majid Wani was honored by Rasa Javedani Memorial Literary Society and Nami Dogrib Sanstha Jammu for his contributions and promotion of Urdu Language.
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