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Governor releases Brij Hali’s books
Jammu, April 16 (Scoop News) –N. N. Vohra, Governor, released two books written by Brij Hali, a known writer of the State, at a function held at Raj Bhavan here this evening.
The first book released by the Governor is a translation of “Shrimad Bhagavad Gita” in Kashmiri language while the second one is “Asrarye Bhavath”, a collection of Kashmiri Sufi poetry by Hali.
Speaking on the occasion, the Governor observed that the two volumes released by him are a testimony of Hali’s deep learning and knowledge of languages and literature. He expressed the hope that these volumes would be read by interested persons all over the country and abroad.
Hali, who has authored eight books so far, thanked the Governor for releasing his books and taking keen interest in the promotion of languages and literature in the State.
M. L. Pandita presented a critical review of Hali’s book, “Asrarye Bhavath”.
Among those present on the occasion were a large number of known writers, intellectuals and prominent citizens of the town and Navin K. Choudhary, Principal Secretary to the Governor.
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