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NC Govt's ouster alone can restore credibility of system: Baig
Ansari, Karra flay government for political exploitation of Srinagar

Srinagar, May 24 (Scoop News) –Senior Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) leader Muzaffar Hussain Baig has said the National Conference and the government led by it are causing immense damage to the interests of the state. Addressing a workers meeting of Zadibal constituency here today he said nothing short of its ouster through electoral process could restore credibility in governance and efficiency of the system that is suffering a complete collapse.
Baig said it was the misfortune of the state that it got the Omar Abdullah government at a crucial time when it had started liberating itself from the problems of the past and was progressing on the path of unprecedented progress on political and development fronts. "In the last about five years Omar Abdullah has completely exposed himself as a failed politician who led the state from one crisis to another and spent most of his time activating lifelines and making compromises for survival" said Baig.
This, Baig said resulted in serious setback to the interests of the state and we lagged behind in every field even as rest of the region around us made tremendous progress. He said even traditionally most backward state Bihar zoomed ahead of all states and is now leading the table with J&K figuring nowhere among developing states according to a recent survey. J&K he said could make a more spectacular progress under a government led by Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, a glimpse of which the state had witnessed after 2002 elections.
Baig said Srinagar being the intellectual and political nerve centre of the state cannot remain aloof from the urge for change that is sweeping the state. The former deputy chief minister said active participation of Srinagar in the political process for change will add much desired cutting edge, credibility and prestige to it.
Baig said the aloofness of Srinagar from democratic process has resulted in disempowerment of its people which has led its beneficiaries, the NC, to take them for granted. He said unless there was an element of accountability, the people of the capital city would continue to face problems. "Make your representatives accountable and things will start improving" said Baig.
Referring to the disadvantages the urban citizens face Baig said most people in Srinagar have hardly any assets to build on any economic activity. These people he said could have progressed on activities like tourism which could provide jobs to thousands. But unfortunately the NC that has ruled the state for decades and maintain monopoly on Srinagar have done nothing to build it as a tourist friendly city added Baig.
Baig said srinagar has to be built into a modern city without destroying its heritage but the NC is destroying heritage without contributing to any development. He said the built and natural heritage of Srinagar give it a special place on the map of tourism. Previously most tourists would spend more time in the city but now it has become a mere transit point where tourists generally stay only on way to other spots. He said PDP has a vision to develop Srinagar in a manner that tourists feel attracted to prolong their stay here and go round not just Dal lake and Mughal Gardens but tour the interiors of the city to see its distinct life, culture and heritage. He said such a planned development will create immense opportunities of growth for the youth of the city.
Urging preservation of natural assets like the Dal lake and Nigeen Baig said without landmarks like these the city could not imagine itself. While the PDP government got the Rs 300 Crore Dal development project sanctioned from Government of India and constructed drainage with STPs around the lake, the present government converted it into a source of income for politicians and their agents in the administration. He said only cosmetic action was taken around the banks of the Dal whereas it was being deliberately killed at its core.
Addressing the meeting senior party leader Moulvi Ifithar Hussein Ansari said a sense of helplessness and disempowerment has seized the people under the NC rule which is a dangerous development but it could be the trigger to a pleasant change. He said the state government is involved in its survival battle and it is significant that people no more expect anything from it. He said the NC has a record of massive let downs. Between 1996 and 2002 it had an overwhelming majority in Assembly, still it went into the lap of the NDA, extended AFSPA to Jammu and brought in POTA. He said the party gave away the most feasible hydel projects to NHPC and now it is a drastically reduced political entity and entirely dependent on crutches and has become a perpetrator of worst crimes against people. He said the frustration among the people is understandable and it would end only with a change in the political scenario and empowerment of people.
Moulvi said Zadibal constituency had suffered a particular neglect and it had immense shortage of civic amenities. He said the once pleasant water bodies of Khushal sar, Gilli sar etc had turned into stinking sources of disease as a result of government apathy. He expressed confidence that the sprawling constituency that like other Srinagar areas had been exploited by the NC for decades would next time vote only on the basis of comparative performance of parties, credibility of their leadership and their agendas
Speaking on the occasion senior leader and former finance minister Tariq Hammed Karra said the NC is ruling the state only on the strength of election boycott that is enforced by its cadres and agents in Srinagar. He said most of the elements who resorted to stone pelting during 2008 election to enforce boycott in Srinagar are now part of the construction mafia. He said most of those boys are now contractors who are allotted works without tenders besides other political patronage.
Karra said NC treats PDP as a real threat to its monopoly of decades as this party is gaining acceptability among people. He said NC would want youth to go join any other party except the PDP because it is scared of the good track record of the government led by Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and feels if the party gets another opportunity to serve people with a decisive mandate NC would have to pack up for eve
Karra said instead of making false allegations agains PDP the NC leadership should read writing on the wall which clearly indicates a surge for change. He said the way the once mighty organisation that won 65 seats in 1996 was reduced to 28 seats should make it clear to them that another party the PDP with largest vote share in the last election has arrived and people are looking up to it with hope. "We will never let down the people and will with their support re write the destiny of the state with Srinagar as the largest contributed to change" said Karra.
Party chief spokesperson Naeem Akhtar, senior leader Syed Altaf Bukhari district president Mohammad Ashraf Mir, secretary A H Kohsheen, Vice President Ab Rauf Bhat, Aadil Jan, Abul Hasan and youth distric president Jehangir wani and many other prominent workers attended the convention.
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