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Quarantine Facility - a Progressive step by Government
Diary of a Corona Warrior: Proactive administration leads the way

Jammu, May 16 (Scoop News)-Covid -19 was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020 by the WHO and it brought a feeling of impending doom for every health care worker out in the trenches. Nevertheless, the health care community donned its mantle and is putting up an invincible front against an invisible and unforeseen enemy.
One such corona warrior is Dr Nancy Sharma, a daughter of the soil, who was given her marching orders and asked to report for duty at Chest Disease Hospital, Jammu in April. Initially apprehensive and being newly married in February 2020, she not only won over her morbid fears but also convinced her family to treat her duty as service to her nation. Taking up cudgels against the disease, Dr Nancy Sharma got information regarding rounds, rate of infection, number and behaviour of patients, food, PPE Kits, staff, accommodations and the latest techniques recommended by WHO and ICMR for successful treatment of Covid -19 patients. Being married just 2 months back and carrying the hopes and blessings of two families, she left home.
Arriving at the hospital, she went through the files checking the whereabouts of the patients, their DOA, medicine schedules, general condition, any co morbidities and introduced herself as their new doctor. Consoling them, she said that all of them were in the same boat, being temporarily away from homes and experiencing the same uncertainties and fears. However, the doctors and patients were united in their fight and as long as the entire administration was supporting the patients, there was no cause for apprehension. Hearing these reassuring words from a self-assured doctor, much younger than the patients themselves, the staff as well as the patients felt in safe hands.
Gradually, over a couple of days they became a family. Patients spoke to medical staff ton phone even during off duty hours. The staff even talked to their families, just to reassure the family members that their loved ones were safe and sound at the hospital. After every 14 days, the patient’s nasopharyngeal swab testing was done and two samples were taken 24 hours apart. The criteria for sending them home were that two samples should test Negative. The night before the reports were due to come in, neither the patient nor the doctor could sleep.
Patients kept on asking, “how about my reports doctor? What do they say? What if they are positive again? Most had negative reports while a few tested positive. The latter had to restart the course, and wait again for 2 samples to be negative. Breaking this news to them was heart rending. On the bright side, the ones who had tested negative wore glittering smiles on their faces. They felt relieved of the mental trauma and deeply grateful towards the medical staff and district administration. “Pack your bags and come, we are sending you home—I feel these lines evoked a complete contentment in a doctor’s heart and cements the doctor- patient relationship, “ says Dr Nancy Sharma, our young but immensely brave corona warrior. With brimming enthusiasm, the ambulances were called to make them reach their destinations. The medical staff stamped their hands, mentioning the dates till they had to be home quarantined for 14 days and home surveillance for 14 days. Discharged patients were handed over and attached to the state epidemiologist for further follow up action. They were given a rousing farewell and management of the hospital felt much gratification in discharging them.
The courageous and diligent duties being performed by health fraternity are being appreciated in an unprecedented manner throughout the globe. It is no wonder that the civil society of Jammu felicitated the staff of all Covid Hospitals, including Dr Nancy Sharma. The honour and affection bestowed by society on our modern corona warriors has further steeled their resolve to fight the pandemic tooth and nail, and to remember that before the indomitable human will, no enemy is invincible.
Many quarantine centres have been established in Jammu and Kashmir and all the district administrations have played a significant role in implementing government directions/advisories to combat the spread of Covid-19.
In district Jammu isolation facilities for positive patients have been established at 6 different hospitals besides quarantine facility for non symptomatic persons has been established at 12 different locations. Total number of positive cases so far is 40 in the district out of which 28 have been recovered while 11 are active cases with one death.
In district Kishtwar total quarantine capacity is 2809 besides total isolation capacity is 9 and 2367 persons as on May 14, 2020 are under observation at different quarantine centres in the district. No positive case has been reported so far in the district.
In district Kathua, total quarantine capacity is 6832 besides 6234 persons are under observation and 17 positive cases have been reported in the district out of which one has been recovered and no death has been reported.
In district Poonch, 75 institutional quarantine centres have been established having bedding capacity of 3800 while 4624 persons enlisted for observation and no positive case is reported in the district.
In district Rajouri 121 institutional quarantine centres have been established having bedding capacity of 5488 besides 4250 persons enlisted for observation and 4 positive cases has been recovered in the district.
In district Doda, 1791 persons are under quarantine. In Samba 15 quarantine centres have been established with bedding capacity of 2720 persons besides 1697 persons are in quarantine while 5 positive cases has been reported in the district.
In district Udhampur 59 quarantine centres have been established having bedding capacity of 4660 besides 2492 person are under observation in the district.

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