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Panthers Chief Bhim Singh in London on Peace Mission

London/Jammu, November 17 (Scoop News) – Prof. Bhim Singh speaks at Asian Centre London on his travels around the world on motorcycle Prof. Bhim Singh, Chairman, National Panthers Party and Member, National Integration Council, who travelled Around the World on Motorcycle on Peace Mission, was received today by the Chairman of the Asian Centre, Wood Green, London, J P Agrawal, and his senior officials including S.I. Noor (Pakistan), P. Nagendran (SriLanka), D.N. Halder (Bangladesh) and other officials of the Centre at their headquarters at 8 Caxton Road, Wood Green, London, during a lecture on world travels organized by the Centre late last evening and chaired by J P Agrawal, the Chairman of the Asian Centre. J.P Agrawal, while introducing the visitor, narrated the events that made him to meet Bhim Singh in London University in 1969 when here ached London from India after travelling for 11 months on two wheels. Agrawal recounted the interesting episodes of Bhim Singh’s travels on peace mission around the world for more than five years. He said Asian Centre is a nucleus of Asian cultural and social heritage and they have invited today Prof. Bhim Singh to share his experiences and encounters he met during his globetrotting.

Prof. Bhim Singh gave a brief account of his travels on two wheels, which he started in 1967 from India and finished at the end of 1972after having travelled through 120 countries of the world on his mission which he described as the greatest and urgent need of this day. He said that he picked up the peace movement from the experiments of Bertrand Russell, Martin Luther King, Jawahar Lal Nehru and others who stood for complete disarmament to save the universe from the wrath of nuclear arsenal and for mutual coexistence of the nations. Here gretted that Anglo-American Bloc including European nations have completely given up this agenda of disarmament. Referring to US President Obama’s visit to India recently, he regretted that Oba made liberately avoided any reference to the nuclear arms race. May be, the big powers shall lose their arms trade and business if disarmament is followed by big nations.

Prof. Bhim Singh also expressed deep concern on the deterioratingsituation that has been developing in the Middle East because of the UN failure to implement its own directions vis-à-vis Israel . Prof. Bhim Singh told the highly experienced and visionary audience who had joined this special occasion to hear the Indian globetrotter that India has a great role to play towards establishment of international peace and harmony. He said that the Indian culture has a great messagefor mutual coexistence, welfare of humanity and peace. He added thatby Indian culture he always meant the cultural heritage of the Indian sub-continent which includes India , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Nepal andSri Lanka. He said that we may have a division because of the boundaries on the land but we have the great heritage of mutual coexistence and cultural ethos which is the need of 21st century to make this world worth living in peace and human dignity.

Prof. Bhim Singh called on youth and students of the world to adopt humanity as their faith and take the entire world as their country, so that the world lives longer and in peace. This is what, he said, he learnt from his travels and from the people of the world. He described the people of the Arab world and Africa as most beautiful and loving. He hoped that justice shall flow to their doors one day. Prof. Bhim Singh was also invited by Indian Workers’ Association to address their meeting. Prof. Bhim Singh presented his book ‘Peace Mission, Around the World on Motorcycle’ to Santhosh Chandran, Manager of the Asian Centre, for the library of the Centre.

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